Today we started the process of bringing our middle and high school students back to school through the hybrid learning model.  If everything continues on the pace we have been at since we hit the peak of positive numbers in Stearns County in November we have begun the discussion in bringing all students back to school for in-person learning. We will move cautiously towards this goal as we continue to monitor the numbers and seek guidance from our local and state health officials. 

The current number for Stearns County continues trending downward since the peak in late November. The number this past week is 46.49.  Currently, projections for next week show this number to decrease by next week.  

One of the components we will have to shift is bringing the middle and high school back to a hybrid model in the C-day structure.  Because of the additional 30 minutes of prep time for teachers put into place by the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) our C-Day structure at the middle and high school will be similar to what we have in place at the elementary school. Those middle and high school students that come in during C-days will only receive direct instruction and support from teachers until noon on C-days.  Teachers will have the remainder of the day to work on preparation and collaboration for their classes.  There will be supervision opportunities for those students that want to stay and work on school work for the remainder of the day. 

As we begin what I hope is a turning point in bringing all students back to a more traditional educational experience I do want to thank all of the parents that have worked so hard to keep your child(ren) engaged in education throughout the school year.  We know it has been very difficult and we have made every effort to support you through this difficult time.  Our district has lost very few students to other learning opportunities throughout this time and our attendance rates have been just slightly above what they had been during the pandemic.  Please know that once we get back to whatever “normal” is we will work to make sure that any student that has fallen behind will receive the opportunity and support to get them back on track.

I also want to remind the district the calendar did change for this year.  Friday, January 22 is now the end of the quarter and will be a C-day. Monday, January 25 will be a workshop day, no school on this day.  The updated calendar is on our website.

 If you have any questions or concerns do not hesitate to contact me or any of the building principals.  

 Greg Winter, Superintendent:

Chad Doetkott, High School Principal

Robert Anderson, Middle School Principal

Terryl Pearson,  Elementary School Principal