Please be aware that although we had a great start to the school year in our first few days last week that COVID is still prevalent in our communities.  We have had a few cases in our schools.  Nothing in comparison to what we had last year.  Please take whatever steps or precautions you need to protect the wellness of your family. This goes for all of the health issues that impact schools and your children. 

The draft of the  “School Opening and Mitigation Plan ‘22” is still on our website.  You can email me directly (address below) with any input on the plan. The School Board will take formal action at the September regular meeting. 

Please make sure if you haven’t already done this to download our school app. Whether you have an Apple or Android phone, just go to the app store and download the App, “Melrose Area Public Schools MN.”  Make sure it is the “Minnesota” Melrose.  Along with all of the information you will need on the district, it will also serve as the device for notifications on any school closings. I will be sending out a test message at noon on Thursday, October 20. This is the Thursday of the MEA break so there should be no reason for alarm.  If you do not receive a message and you have the app, you will need to follow up with us to make sure we have the correct contact information.  I will continue to send this message out leading up to this test notification. 

We are also looking for anyone interested in working for our activities.  We are looking for referees, umpires, ticket takers, scoreboard operators, etc.  These are paid positions.  Some training would be required.  Please contact our activities office if you are interested.

Please continue to monitor our website for any updates on the next step of our building projects. 

If you have any questions or concerns do not hesitate to contact me or any of the building principals.  

 Greg Winter, Superintendent:

Chad Doetkott, High School Principal

Robert Anderson, Middle School Principal

Terryl Pearson,  Elementary School Principal